The IWF President, Mohammed Jaloud , has been racking up some serious air miles, jetting across continents in what has been described as an “intense week of activities”. Meetings, congresses, and handshakes galore—because nothing says governing a sport quite like a whirlwind tour of the globe.
Where Has He Been?
Greece : Meetings with EWF President Pirros Dimas to discuss weightlifting’s development in Europe.
Saudi Arabia : Talks with the Olympic Council of Asia about growing weightlifting in the region.
China : Meetings with Chinese Weightlifting Federation officials (you know, the team that wins everything).
Switzerland : Stopped by the IOC Headquarters —because keeping weightlifting in the Olympics is a full-time job.
Is It Worth It?
Well, considering weightlifting is constantly fighting for its Olympic spot , and the IWF has a long history of governance issues, it makes sense that Jaloud is out shaking hands and making deals. Whether these trips actually change anything? Time will tell. But credit where it's due—weightlifting’s future is only secure if the right people fight for it.
At the very least, he’s getting some impressive passport stamps.